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Cabinet Construction: The Do’s and Don’ts of Building a Kitchen

Cleveland Cabinets

When renovating or remodeling your kitchen, there are many things you should do and other things you should avoid when constructing your kitchen cabinets. Cabinet construction takes a lot of work to complete a project, and any mistakes can have dire consequences in the end. We’ve compiled a list of do’s and don’ts to assist you with your cabinet construction.


There are many things to focus on when renovating your kitchen or working on cabinet construction. Therefore, one of the most important “do’s” is to not lose sight of your project overall. It’s very easy to get tunnel vision and forget how cabinet construction will fit with the rest of the kitchen.

Do Check Appliance Dimensions

As the saying goes, measure twice and cut once. This is extremely vital for cabinet construction because more than likely you’ll have appliances in between some of your cabinets. Make sure you take the time to double check the dimensions of your refrigerator in regards to your cabinet height. You’ll want some extra space between your refrigerator and cabinets so they aren’t flush against one another. 

Additionally, you’ll want to do the same for all of your other appliances. Your dishwasher will most likely go beneath your countertop and beside lower cabinets. It’s important to have this extra space so the cabinet hardware and appliances don’t rub against each other. It’s also important to be able to access different sides of your appliances in case they need any repair work. The last thing you want to do is take apart cabinets just to access your dishwasher.

Do Work With a Contractor or Designer

If possible, try to link up with an experienced contractor or kitchen designer to help you out. Any contractor or designer with experience in cabinet construction will be aware of possible pitfalls to avoid. In addition, they may provide some tips or tricks you wouldn’t have thought of on your own. Contractors or designers will also have style tips to suggest on top of the functionality of your cabinet construction. 

Do Be Adjustable

It’s nice to have a detailed plan to follow, but make sure you also adjust your plans accordingly. As you pull apart your kitchen for cabinet construction, you may find the structures are in better shape than you previously thought. Don’t make more work for yourself if you don’t need to—if the structure is good then perhaps focus on cosmetic changes instead. 


There are some things to remember and some things to avoid as you renovate your kitchen. Again, working with an experienced contractor or designer will help create you a reliable plan for your cabinet construction. 

Don’t Forget Your Budget

As you proceed with your renovation or construction plans, keep your budget in mind at all times. You may find other issues that need to be addressed as you pull apart your kitchen that are more critical than the design elements. You don’t want to stray too far from your budget and end up with material costs exceeding what you can afford. 

Don’t Disregard Contractor Suggestions

You might have a clear vision for your kitchen, but experienced contractors and designers understand the full functionality and details of everything in your kitchen. Cosmetically, you might want an appliance or cabinet in one place, but the structure of the room constitutes it being somewhere else. Remember that you’ll need to work with the space that’s given to you and you won’t be able to change everything. 

Don’t Forget Space and Lighting

As you work to improve your kitchen space, don’t forget about the overall space and lighting of the room. If you have children or pets, ensure there is enough space for traffic throughout the room. Double check the access to windows and light fixtures. The last thing you’ll want is to finish construction and find you have less space or lighting than before. 

Cabinet Construction from Cleveland Cabinets

Cleveland Cabinets in Cleveland, OH serves the Greater Cleveland area high-quality and affordable cabinets for any room of your home. Visit our website or call 

(216) 459-7676 today for more information!

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